Antigone naar BAM's Next Wave Festival

24 september 2015 t/m 04 oktober 2015
photo Jan Versweyveld
photo Jan Versweyveld

door: Brooklyn Academy of Music , Toneelgroep Amsterdam

By Sophokles
In a new translation by Anne Carson
Barbican and Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg
Directed by Ivo van Hove

Should love or law guarantee the dignity of the dead? With unvarnished intensity, Oscar-winning actor Juliette Binoche (In-I, 2009 Next Wave), Olivier-winning director Ivo van Hove (Angels in America, 2014 Next Wave), and poet and MacArthur fellow Anne Carson—offering a new colloquial translation—pare Sophokles’ great question to the tragic bone. In Thebes, Antigone has refuted King Kreon’s (Patrick O’Kane) order: that her traitorous brother’s body be left to rot outside the city gates. Vast monochrome videoscapes of sun and moon, sand and snow provide the backdrop to Van Hove’s taut, unsentimental account of a woman who, as removed from life as she is from death, ends up taking both into her own hands.

Produced in association with Toneelgroep Amsterdam.


Grant for Dutch presentations abroad

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Masterpiece – SPOT Groningen en het NNO | Foto: © Marijn Boeré
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Maya Fridman & ensemble - Tree of Life | Beeld: © Brendon Heinst
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Artificial by Nature – Nineties | Beeld: © Joost de Haas
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Wishful Singing & VOCES8 Scholars | Foto: © Frances Marshall